I have 2 sheets, let's call them sheet 1 and sheet 2.

In sheet 1, I have some data where essentially at its core its a Scoring tally, something like this:

Name Age Gender Score
Jack 12 Male 155
Mary 67 Female 0
Jill 16 Female 61
Sarah 44 Female 219
Peter 5 Male 0
Nathan 32 Male 0
Greg 25 Male 44

I want to then create a new table in sheet 2, where I collect all the rows that have a score greater than 0, and only the Name and Score columns, like this:

Name Score
Jack 155
Jill 61
Sarah 219
Greg 44

I want this to be continually updated, so for example, if Mary gains a few points, I would want the table to look like:

Name Score
Jack 155
Mary 21
Jill 61
Sarah 219
Greg 44

And if any newcomers come, and they have more than 0 points, I would also like that to be added. For example if Luke joined:

Name Score
Jack 155
Mary 21
Jill 61
Sarah 219
Greg 44
Luke 98

I am not really sure where to begin with this, I am working on google sheets, and have tried to do INDEX-MATCH, but my issues are that match doesn't seem to do greater than nicely, I can't seem to choose the pairs of column I want displayed, and I am also not sure how to get it to continuously update. I would prefer a solution with no use of VBAs, and if possible to just keep it to formulas in the cells.

  • If you use Excel 365, then you can use FILTER function, it does exactly what you need. Commented Apr 20, 2021 at 5:19

1 Answer 1


On your google spreadsheets sheet two

enter the following formula where you want your table


The first filter 'FILTER(Sheet1!A:D,Sheet1!D:D>0)' chooses the cell range and scores column where score is greater than 0.

Wrap this filter in another filter to only return data '{1,0,0,1}' from the first (Name) and forth (Score) columns.

Wrap this to sort the second column (2) and sort descending (False).

If doing this in Excel 365 then substitue False for -1

  • Thanks a lot Antony, this was exactly what I was looking for :) Commented Apr 20, 2021 at 10:30

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