I have read RAR a folder without persisting the full path which helps about the RAR -ep1 switch but I still have the following problem:

I want to add the directory D:\Temp\FolderA and its subdirectories/files to a RAR archive:


... but with a custom name in the archive instead of FolderA. Inside the RAR archive, it should look like this:


I tried:

rar a -r test.rar D:\Temp\FolderA

but obviously the name FolderA appears in the RAR package, which I don't want.

How is it possible with RAR?

Note: If possible, I'd like to avoid to temporary rename D:\Temp\FolderA into D:\Temp\BaseFolder\SubDir\OtherName, and avoid to create temporary symlinks.

1 Answer 1


I found a solution in the meantime with the switch -ap"New path" combined with -ep1:

rar a -r test.rar -ep1 -ap"BaseFolder\SubDir\OtherName\" "D:\Temp\FolderA\*"

Indeed the RAR command-line manual states:

-ap    Set path inside archive. This path is *merged* to file names when
       adding  files to an archive [...]

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