How VMware workstation determines which OS is there in the iso ?? More specifically - what files does it look for ??

A little explanation -

When Solus Budgie iso is selected, VMware detects it as fedora but the site nowhere mentions it is fedora based.

enter image description here

Android-x86 with Linux kernel as FreeBSD

enter image description here

Ubuntu detected but ubuntu based distros like Linux mint not detected

enter image description here

How can I make sure that my custom Linux-distro iso is detected correctly by VMware ?

Please note : my question is not about how to proceed from here or how to install the desired OS using VMware; I am asking "how VMware detects any iso?".

  • If you want to know “how” you will have to contact VMWare directly
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 6, 2021 at 6:59

1 Answer 1


Do Install Later (should be the last selection. Then the next screen is the one where you select the operating system you want.

Pull it down for a long list and select the operating system closest to what you want.

Go through the settings to completion, and then select the ISO file that matches your earlier choice and install. You do the selection of ISO - VMware does not do that.

I am in VMware Workstation V16 and used that to inform the settings I posted above. See some screen shots below. Follow through all the screens, save the machine, and then go back and select the ISO and install.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


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