When I try to configure my Chromecast Audio (CA) using my mobile device and the Google Home app, I get the following notification:

The Chromecast was manufactured for a different country, and may not be compatible with your Wi-Fi network.

When I select my 5Ghz network, at first the CA seems to be connecting to the network. However, after the configuration completes, I am not able to further configure the device via the Google Home app or cast to it. How can I fix this?

1 Answer 1


From electronics-notes.com:

many of the 5 GHz Wi-Fi channels fall outside the accepted ISM unlicensed band and as a result various restrictions are placed on operation at these frequencies.

table with 5 GHz WiFi channels and frequencies

Changing the 5Ghz Wi-Fi control channel to channel 40 solved the problem for me. Before, it was using channel 120, which seems unsupported in some regions in the world.

To change the Wi-Fi control channel, you need to log in to your Wi-Fi router’s web interface and find the Wireless settings. More information on that can be found on this howtogeek.com article.

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