I have been capturing web based videochats (Jitsi and Whereby) using Open Bradcast Studio (OBS). Until recently I have been able to capture the video even when the browser windows is not on front provided that I no minimize it. But after a recent Chrome update the video turns black (i.e.: it is not updated) when another window in maximized over the browser. Browsing the web I have reached to somebody that has my same problem: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/windows-capture-turning-black-when-switching-screens.131971

I would like to knwo if there is any way to prevent this "feature". I want the video to keep being updated even when Chrome is not maximized on front.

1 Answer 1

  1. On the address bar, type: chrome://flags
  2. Search for "Throttle Javascript timers in background". Disable it.
  3. Search for "Calculate window occlusion on Windows". Disable it.
  4. Restart Chrome for the change to take effect.

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