I have a Windows 10 Pro system setup a VPN host, just using the built-in Windows VPN service. When I connect a client, the client can see other workstations on the VPN host's network, but not the VPN host system itself. I can't even ping it. I've disabled the Windows firewall on both ends and it still doesn't work.

I know I've done this before, but it was years ago I don't remember configurations I had to set. How can access shares on the VPN host system from a VPN client system?

1 Answer 1


It was actually firewall issue. What needed to happen:

Client: set VPN network profile to private

Server: create firewall inbound rule for ICMP (if you want ping), TCP 139 and TCP 445 on public networks (VPN on server can't be set to private, apparently)

  • Thank your for your sharing!
    – Gloria Gu
    Commented Dec 4, 2020 at 8:59

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