Is there a way to use the Windows 10 CMD MS-DOS Command Prompt to connect to a Wifi Network? The parameters for such a protocol could be simply as I have the network which I want to connect to and the password which can be let's say for example Network: MyNetwork Password: StringInPrompt. Is something like that feasible from the Command Prompt or would it need to be from the PowerShell? However, it's flat out not possible and I need to script something that would also be a valid answer? Yet, as well if I need to just click the WIFI logo in Windows 10 and connect to my wifi network. I tried to keep the question from not being too vague, or with broad answers because I narrowed out the possible ones. Please provide feedback if there are limitations to this idea.

  • 1
    Use NETS WLAN CONNECT to do this. Type NETSH WLAN CONNECT /? to see how it works. As far I as I know this should work for you.
    – anon
    Commented Nov 24, 2020 at 15:47

1 Answer 1


if you already have been connected to that SSID with that computer can execute

netsh wlan show profile

identify your profile from the list and then execute

netsh wlan connect ssid=wifi_ssid name=profile_from_the_list_that_is_used_to_connect_to_that_ssid

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