I'm doing some script-based changes that involve registry edits. Once the script runs, I want to verify in the regedit console that the values have been added. However, upon checking regedit, only new values show up after closing and expanding the key, not new keys and their values. In order to get the new keys to appear, I have to close and reopen regedit.

Is there a button to refresh your view within regedit?

1 Answer 1


Yes, F5 causes refresh, as does that key in many other applications. See DefKey.com for some other keyboard shortcuts.

BTW, a shortcut not mentioned there is CtrlA to clear the contents of the location bar. The key combo must be pressed twice to work though. This odd behavior was noticed when I tried using CtrlA to select all, which it does not do.

  • Boy do I feel silly not trying F5... Commented Oct 7, 2020 at 18:04

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