After the normal Shutdown, if the power supply is ON, I can't get it to start up. If I try within ten seconds or a couple of minutes it's working. But if I try after a five minute or so, the light is on, the fans are running but nothing comes on the screen. Not even bios is starting.

But, If I do clean the RAM and Reconnecting all the wires goes from SMPS to Motherboard. It suddenly starts working.

I'm confused about what is causing the issue.

  • What OS? What model PC? What doe you mean by "clean the RAM"? Commented Aug 23, 2020 at 3:53
  • I'm running OpenMediaVault. It's not specifically with this OS. The same happens with Windows as well. Cleaning the RAM Means rubbing the RAM Contacts with Pencil Eraser. It's Dual Core Processor @2.93GHz | 4GB DDR2 RAM. Not sure about Motherboard
    – MC Naveen
    Commented Aug 23, 2020 at 6:41
  • Cleaning with an eraser is a bad idea. It leaves particles & removes thin gold plate. Commented Aug 23, 2020 at 7:09
  • Oh my bad. Now using Fine Cloth pieces.
    – MC Naveen
    Commented Aug 23, 2020 at 7:37
  • Don't "clean" and your RAM. You are damaging components. Your computer has a hardware fault and needs competent local expertise to resolve this. Commented Aug 24, 2020 at 4:16

1 Answer 1


This kinda sounds like your BIOS is not entering an S5 state completely, and thus can't return to S0 all the way. I used to get this with old chipset drivers, and also old buggy BIOSes. Once in a while it's a sign of a failing MB southbridge/northbridge (old systems) or electrolytic capacitors that are going stale.

Confirm hardware issues by booting to a linux live install, and doing shutdowns/restarts.

I'd recommend backing everything up REGULARLY to redundant destinations and trying different chipset drivers, then a BIOS update if you're familiar with flashing BIOS/UEFI. Even dump the BIOS/UEFI 2 or 3 times in separate files first so you can take the .bin to a shop if you get stuck with a bad flash.

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