Let’s say I visit a web page at NetCinema by requesting the url www.NetCinema.com. We know that the local DNS server will query NetCinema's authoritative DNS server to the the ip address of NetCinema and a cache record is added in the local DNS server as well. Then, when I click a video link http://video.netcinema.com/6Y7B23V, how does my local DNS server treat this url? Will the DNS server return the cached record or since video prefix is a subdomain, the DNS server will again send a query to NetCinema's authoritative DNS server?

2 Answers 2


Each name has its own DNS records – really, the whole point of subdomains is that each of them can have different records (and point to different IP addresses) than the main domain. Because of that, each name is cached independently.

So when you're trying to look up 'video.netcinema.com', it has to be queried again at the authoritative servers. It doesn't matter whether you have 'www.netcinema.com' cached – that information doesn't allow you to guess anything about its sibling subdomains.


From what I and BlueHost understand the SubDomain will have its own separate DNS Records

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    Commented Feb 13, 2023 at 22:10

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