At work, we have a dev environment I want to mount so I can work on it locally on Arch with i3 (Manjaro i3).

I have SSH and an SSHFS mount set up on my devenv which runs without issues, along with gnome-keyring so user sea doesn't need to type a passphrase after boot/login.

  • fstab line:
    /mnt/workdir fuse.sshfs x-systemd.automount,_netdev,follow_symlinks,user,idmap=user,identityfile=/home/sea/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other,default_permissions,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
    On boot, I get error Too many levels of symbolic links when I ls the directory, but I suspect symlinks aren't the issue since typing the passphrase after sudo umount -a/sudo mount -a works, as does the fstab mount after removing the passphrase, but this is not the solution I'm looking for.

My gnome-keyring makes sure user sea doesn't have to type the passphrase, but fstab runs as root; is there any workaround besides removing the passphrase?

Both fstab and gnome-keyring is set up according to the Arch SSHFS and gnome-keyring wikis.

  • I'd take it out of fstab and mount on my first login instead. If you have ssh key added to agents and forwarded, it may work as desired. Never tried. Commented Aug 4, 2020 at 1:03
  • Do you have any suggestions for how to mount it instead of fstab? Im still somewhat new to linux, so my first idea was to put it in my bashrc file, but that wasnt a good idea since it of course would then try to mount on every terminal opening.
    – Silan
    Commented Aug 4, 2020 at 6:34

1 Answer 1


I'm using /etc/profile to SSHFS mount, instead of fstab, which works as intended; however, any feedback or a better solution is welcomed.

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