I have a Seagate Serial ATA Disc Drive (SATA) from my old Samsung laptop running Windows 7(internal drive). The computer had a faulty power Supply and would shut down randomly. I would like to recover my data from this drive(very very important) I tried using a Bridge but the drive was not detected, and I put it in my laptop and it wasn't detected either. Is there any way to recover the data from this drive Thanks

  • Without powering up the disk drive, do you remember if it made any unusual noises, such as clicking? Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 18:48
  • 1
    Contact a data recovery company. It will be expensive.
    – gronostaj
    Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 19:02
  • It did not make any clicking noises or anything but it was in my samsung laptop and it booted fine an i could see all of my data then all of a sudden the power supply failed and then the laptop would get stuck on the boot screen and when i took it out i tried using an ata/atapi bridge but it wasnt detected. is there any way to do it with paying a company to recover the data?
    – Ammar
    Commented Aug 3, 2020 at 20:19

1 Answer 1


If you remembered clicking noises as described by Andrew Morton above, do not use the drive and contact a recovery company directly. If not do the following:

I don't know what type of connection "Bridge" should mean. Use a docking station to connect that drive to another computer to see if it appears (Windows: Disc Management, in linux use "lsblk"). External drive cases without power supply are not reliable due to high start-up currents exceeding specifications. Stop using the drive if you notice any type of cyclical sound series or "clicking". If the drive does not appear you need a data recovery company.

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