I had an issue installing Kali Linux on Virtual Machine. So I only selected "Xfce (Kali's default desktop environment)" in Software Selection Option.

As you can see the options in this IMAGE.

Now, how can I install manually these:

  1. default -- recommended tools (available in the live system)
  2. Collection of tools [Selecting this item has no effect]
  3. top10 -- the 10 most popular tools

(The above options are written as show in the image)

Please help me out here. Thank You.

  • First you can download Kali Linux lite ISO image from their official website. Now you can create a virtual machine from that in virtual box. Then you can install Katoolin package and install all kali packages manually. Or you can run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then install packages you like. I.E. sudo apt install nmap air rack-ng etc.etc
    – Wasif
    Commented Jul 8, 2020 at 16:38

1 Answer 1


try to install gnome desktop gui, i think is enabled by default when you install it:

sudo apt install kali-desktop-core kali-desktop-gnome

those are the most commonly used tools:

sudo apt install kali-tools-802-11 kali-tools-wireless kali-tools-web kali-tools-exploitation

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