After updating my Arch system, everything by KDE started breaking, from SDDM taking almost 50s to start up to compositing issues. I've tried removing ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and resetting settings, to no avail. Even the battery plasmoid is showing no batteries available. How can I fix these issues?

1 Answer 1


I spent a week trying all kinds of fixes, to no avail. It turns out that the issue is with UPower.

Everything in KDE relies on it for some unknown reason. I found that upower -d failed to output anything, so I checked that upowerd was running, via systemd. It was not, and had crashed on start.

I tried manually running it via

sudo /usr/lib/upowerd --verbose

The output said the libplist dependency was missing. I checked via yay libplist, and found that I had the git version installed from the AUR. Upon installing extra/libplist, which replaced the git version, both sudo /usr/lib/upowerd --verbose and sudo systemctl start upowerd worked with no issues.

It was like a miracle. After a quick reboot (SDDM launched super fast), every trace of lag and crash was gone from every part of KDE. Just like that.

As you can probably tell, I wrote this question for my answer. I hope this helps you one way or another. Good luck fixing your system!

Note to self: check back here if this ever happens again :)

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