I'd like to create a Windows Explorer context menu action for multiple selected files.

I created a key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\MyAction\command with a string value

C:\python37\python.exe "c:\test\test.py" "%1"

This script only displays the command-line arguments for now (for debugging purpose): import sys; print(sys.argv); input()

When I select two files a.txt, b.txt in the Explorer, and right click on "MyAction", then:

  • I'd like to have this script called once, and the command-line arguments passed to Python should be

    ["c:\test\test.py", "c:\a.txt", "c:\b.txt"]
  • instead I get this script called twice (once independently for each file), and the command-line arguments passed are:

    ["c:\test\test.py", "c:\a.txt"]
    ["c:\test\test.py", "c:\b.txt"]

How to make a context menu action call the command only once when 2 files are selected, with the 2 files as command-line arguments?

TL;DR I would like this to be launched:

C:\python37\python.exe "c:\test\test.py" "a.txt" "b.raw" "file_with_noext"

and not:

C:\python37\python.exe "c:\test\test.py" "a.txt"
C:\python37\python.exe "c:\test\test.py" "b.raw"
C:\python37\python.exe "c:\test\test.py" "file_with_noext"

when using the context menu action on multiple files.

Note: Open With on multiple files? and its answers don't solve it; I tried with HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\*\shell\MyAction\command but this menu item doesn't appear when I select multiple files (let's say a.txt, b.raw, file_with_noext, and testdir\).

  • Thank you @DavidPostill for your link, but I think the duplicate flag is a little mistake here. This other question shows how to have a new context menu item (such as "Open with") for multiple files ; whereas my question is : how to have a context menu item on multiple files that triggers the launch of the process only once, with "%1" being the list of all files in one pass. Thus, this question is really different. Thank you in advance.
    – Basj
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 10:57
  • I'll reopen, but the accepted answer on the duplicate should work. It does for Chrome.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 11:13
  • Thanks @DavidPostill. I forgot to mention it's for Windows 7, I just added this in the tags. Also, which key would you use to be able to select files of different ext or directories, in replacement of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell\Open With\command?
    – Basj
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 11:43
  • No idea :/ ....
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 11:44
  • 1
    Maybe the answer there is good for your question too: stackoverflow.com/questions/27088510/…
    – Gazeld
    Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 14:31

3 Answers 3


Apologies if you got the answer already but I think the only way to do this is to place a shortcut to your app in the SendTo folder (You can open it from a Run window by typing shell:sendto) and then highlighting both files and choosing your program from the "Send to" context menu.


I created a small program that completely solves this problem. https://github.com/ge9/ExecuteCommand-Pipe

It is based on this Microsoft sample code: https://github.com/microsoft/Windows-classic-samples/tree/main/Samples/Win7Samples/winui/shell/appshellintegration/ExecuteCommandVerb

It uses COM (Component Object Model) technology of Windows, so there are no restriction on the number or path length of passed files. Also it doesn't involve any inter-process communication, preserving the order of files. The command for opening files is specified in registry values. See the repository for details.

  • 1
    Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Nov 18, 2023 at 9:00


  1. In Registry put the target program as Context Menu Create File.exe which writes reg.txt file.

  2. In your main program loop every 1 second to check if reg.txt exists. If it exists, kill the Context Menu Create File.exe and delete the reg.txt file. Then copy the selected file paths and manipulate with them.

  3. If your program loops to check for reg.txt, then you need to start the program before executing context menu either on startup or manually.

I did this with AutoHotkey.

These 2 AutoHotkey scripts below allow you to add a Open With Chrome context menu item in Windows Explorer to open multiple selected files.

You can leave all variable values as they are, but if you want to change the contextMenu value and program name then see 3.1.


Create 2 files in the same directory:

  1. Create 1st program Add To Context Menu And Create Startup Shortcut.ahk

    1. RunAsAdmin Label ensures that the script runs as admin (fixes adding Registry values).

      1. The If (!A_IsAdmin) checks if current user is NOT admin, A_IsAdmin is a built in AutoHotkey variable that returns 1 if user is admin, 0 otherwise.
      2. Run, \*RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" *RunAs parameter runs the script as admin, "%A_ScriptFullPath%" gets the full path of the current executing script.
      3. ExitApp exits the current script instance running without admin privileges.
      4. Because the Run command runs the script again with admin privileges it will skip the IF condition and continue executing code below.
    2. ContextMenuCreateFile: Label creates a Context Menu Create File.exe which creates a file reg.txt and exits Context Menu Create File.exe after it has written the file reg.txt. Make sure you specify where your Ahk2Exe.exe path is in the RunWait command.

    3. Add To Context Menu: Label adds the Registry entry which runs Context Menu Create File.exe.

      1. Set the contextMenu variable to what needs to be displayed in the Context Menu. (The program name is set to contextMenu)
      2. Set the regPath to your desired Registry path.
      3. When it executes the MsgBox, check if the command is added to the Registry in the address bar.
    4. CreateStartupShortcut: Label creates the shortcut of the main program Open With Chrome.exe in Startup folder.

Add To Context Menu And Create Startup Shortcut.ahk

; =============Recommended Settings=============
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetTitleMatchMode Fast
DetectHiddenWindows Off
DetectHiddenText On
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
; =============Recommended Settings=============

RunAsAdmin:  ; =============RunAsAdmin=============
If (!A_IsAdmin)  ; IF NOT Admin
    Run, *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"  ; Run script as admin
    ExitApp  ; Exit the current instance running without admin privileges
ContextMenuCreateFile:  ; =============ContextMenuCreateFile=============
contextMenuCreateFileAhk := 
#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines -1

FileDelete, reg.txt
FileAppend, , reg.txt
)  ; contextMenuCreateFileAhk
FileDelete, Context Menu Create File.exe  ; DEL Context Menu Create File.exe
FileDelete, Context Menu Create File.ahk  ; DEL Context Menu Create File.ahk
FileAppend, %contextMenuCreateFileAhk%, Context Menu Create File.ahk  ; MAKE Context Menu Create File.ahk
RunWait, C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe /in "Context Menu Create File.ahk" /out "Context Menu Create File.exe"  ; Convert AHK to EXE
FileDelete, Context Menu Create File.ahk  ; DEL Context Menu Create File.ahk
AddToContextMenu:  ; =============AddToContextMenu=============
path := ""  ; path
program := "Context Menu Create File"  ; program
contextMenu := "Open With Chrome"  ; contextMenu
regPath := "HKCR\*\shell"  ; regPath
StringReplace, regKey, contextMenu, %A_Space%, , A  ; regKey
regKey := 0 regKey  ; regKey
Loop, Files, %program%.exe, F  ; Find Program.exe In Current Dir
    path := A_LoopFileLongPath  ; Set Program Path
cmd := 
"reg add """ regPath "\" regKey """ /ve /t REG_SZ /d """ contextMenu """ /f
reg add """ regPath "\" regKey "\command"" /ve /t REG_SZ /d ""\""" path "\""`"" /f"
)  ; Registry
FileDelete, Add To Context Menu.bat  ; CREATE Add To Context Menu.bat
FileAppend, %cmd%, Add To Context Menu.bat  ; CREATE Add To Context Menu.bat
RunWait, Add To Context Menu.bat, , Hide  ; RUN Add To Context Menu.bat (*RunAs ADMIN)
FileDelete, Add To Context Menu.bat  ; DEL Add To Context Menu.bat
Run, regedit  ; regedit
WinWait, Registry Editor ahk_class RegEdit_RegEdit ahk_exe regedit.exe  ; Registry
Sleep, 333
ControlSetText, Edit1, %regPath%\%regKey%\command, Registry Editor ahk_class RegEdit_RegEdit ahk_exe regedit.exe  ; regPath
ControlFocus, Edit1, Registry Editor ahk_class RegEdit_RegEdit ahk_exe regedit.exe  ; regPath
ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}, Registry Editor ahk_class RegEdit_RegEdit ahk_exe regedit.exe  ; regPath
ControlSend, SysListView321, {Control Down}{NumpadAdd}{Control Up}, Registry Editor ahk_class RegEdit_RegEdit ahk_exe regedit.exe  ; regPath
ControlSend, SysListView321, {F5}, Registry Editor ahk_class RegEdit_RegEdit ahk_exe regedit.exe  ; regPath
MsgBox, 262192, CHECK, Check If Added %contextMenu% To Registry  ; CHECK
CreateStartupShortcut:  ; =============CreateStartupShortcut=============
path := ""  ; path
program := contextMenu  ; program
Loop, Files, %program%.exe, F  ; Find Program.exe In Current Dir
    path := A_LoopFileLongPath  ; Set Program Path
FileCreateShortcut, %path%, %A_Startup%\%program%.lnk  ; Create Startup Shortcut
Run, %A_Startup%, , Max  ; Check If Shortcut Created
Run, "%program%.exe"  ; Run Program
MsgBox, 262144, CHECK, Check If Shortcut Created  ; CHECK
ExitApp  ; ExitApp
  1. Create 2nd program Open With Chrome.ahk which is the main program.
    1. Here a Loop is created and checks every 1 second if reg.txt exists.
    2. IfExist, reg.txt it kills the Context Menu Create File.exe and deletes the reg.txt.
    3. Then it activates explorer.exe window and copies all selected file paths to CLIPBOARD.
    4. If CLIPBOARD contains .,\ to make sure CLIPBOARD contains path "\" with extension ".".
    5. The list of selected files is saved in selectedFiles variable.
    6. The Loop below chromeParams := "" loops through selected files, gets the filePaths and surrounds them with double quotes, and StringReplace replaces the Windows path as url file path ex: C:\path\file.jpg to file:///path/file.jpg.
    7. Then the filePath is concatenated to chromeParams.
    8. StringTrimRight removes the last space from chromeParams string.
    9. Then Run, chrome.exe %chromeParams% is executed with %chromeParams% (list of selected files). (If the command doesn't open Chrome then put full path to Chrome, ex: Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe with the same parameters)

Open With Chrome.ahk

; =============Recommended Settings=============
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetTitleMatchMode Fast
DetectHiddenWindows Off
DetectHiddenText On
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
; =============Recommended Settings=============

Loop  ; Loop Start
    Sleep, 1000  ; Fix High CPU
    IfExist, reg.txt  ; IF reg.txt EXIST
        RunWait, cmd /c taskkill /im "Context Menu Create File.exe" /f, , Hide  ; Fix Opening 2 Compose Windows
        FileDelete, reg.txt  ; DEL reg.txt
        WinActivate, ahk_class CabinetWClass ahk_exe explorer.exe  ; Explorer
        CLIPBOARD := ""  ; Clear Clipboard
        Send, {Control Down}{c}{Control Up}  ; Copy File Paths
        ClipWait, 0  ; Clip Wait
        If CLIPBOARD contains .,\  ; IF CLIPBOARD contains .,\
            selectedFiles := CLIPBOARD  ; selectedFiles
            chromeParams := ""  ; chromeParams
            Loop, Parse, selectedFiles, `n, `r  ; Loop Start selectedFiles
                filePath := """file:///" A_LoopField """"  ; filePath
                StringReplace, filePath, filePath, \, /, A  ; Replace \ with /
                chromeParams .= filePath . " "  ; chromeParams .= %filePath%,
            StringTrimRight, chromeParams, chromeParams, 1  ; Remove Last Space
            Run, chrome.exe %chromeParams%  ; Open Files In Chrome
  1. Convert both Add To Context Menu And Create Startup Shortcut.ahk and Open With Chrome.ahk to EXE files in the same directory using Ahk2Exe.exe --> (find in Start Menu, just browse file and hit convert)

  2. Execute the Add To Context Menu And Create Startup Shortcut.exe

  3. Select files, right click and the Open With Chrome context menu item should appear.

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