I'm having issues on windows 10 with one account where apps with multiple windows start those windows minimized.

Specifically a new document will:

  • start minimized
  • will not restore size when double-clicking on task bar
  • will show up after a right-click on the task bar + restore from menu

More context:

  • two screen remote desktop
  • tablet mode is not enabled
  • issue is account-specific (no other users on the server are affected)
  • (speculation) issue began after the user started connecting from both a laptop and a 2-screen desktop, but affects both
  • this is persistent across relogins / reboots

What could be causing this?

1 Answer 1


Are you sure the items are minimized and not retored/windowed off-screen? When you:

  • Launch a problem app
  • Hover over the taskbar icon
  • Right-click the thumbnail preview when it appears

What window-state options are available & which are disabled? The current state is the option that's disabled:

enter image description here

If the context menu indicates your app is restored/windows but it's not visible, it's restoring to cooridinates outside the viewable area. To remedy:

  1. Hover & right-click the preview as before
  2. Select the Move command
  3. Play with the keyboard arrow keys until the window comes into view
  4. Grab with mouse & resize/position as desired.

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