I installed Ubuntu 18.04 as a second OS on a computer which had Windows 7 already installed. The computer had an Intel RST FakeRAID level 5. After a good deal of messing around, I finally followed the instructions in the top answer to this question. This worked fine... until one of my hard drives failed.

I replaced the drive with a drive from a different brand (but the same size as the old drive), and booted into Windows, where I rebuilt the RAID volume with Intel Rapid Storage Technology.

Now Windows boots and functions perfectly fine, but Ubuntu drops to a busybox initramfs terminal, and says that fsck found errors and needed to be run manually.

According to this page, mdadm is supposed to be able to handle Intel RST. So why doesn't the rebuild work for both operating systems? What is the correct way to rebuild a Fake RAID on a dual boot system?

1 Answer 1


I ended up running fsck on the last partition. This seems to have solved the problem (although I still don't know how the filesystem got corrupted in the first place).

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