I am using Windows 10 with Greenshot The area I want to keep is reduced to 1/4 inch square. The square moves to a different location when I try to expand it.

What I have tried: 1. I have uninstall, reboot and reinstall the mouse driver, it doesn't help. The only change to my pc that I could think of is Windows updates, it was working before. 2. Greenshot is the latest, no fixes available. quarter inch area

Thanks, Lynn

  • Microsoft's preinstalled Snipping Tool and "Snip & Sketch" don't do what you need?
    – Furty
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 20:46

1 Answer 1


Can you use different software? I prefer FastStone Capture for screen prints. Not only is it easier to edit screen captures, but it has built-in zoom options for those captures.

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