I am using snapper to take snapshots of btrfs volumes. I have one for /var as well, but decided that I want to get rid of it. It corresponds to the _var snapper config. I can't manage to do this, because when I say # snapper -v -c _var delete-config, I get the following error:

Deleting config failed (deleting snapshot failed).

All but the ‘active’ snapshot have been deleted, however.

I have restarted my laptop and unmounted the /var/.snapshot volume, to no avail.

When I say snapper -c _var list, I get:

 # | Type   | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata
0  | single |       |      | root |         | current     |         

Can anyone help me properly remove this snapper config?

(N.B.: For now, I've set all automatic snapshotting (timeline,…) off in the config.)

1 Answer 1


I could manage to remove a snapper config for which the .snapshots folder had been deleted by (on Debian):

  • removing the config file from /etc/snapper/configs/
  • removing the config name from /etc/default/snapper

Source: https://sobrelinux.info/questions/505676/how-do-i-reinstall-enable-snapper

  • 1
    This is an approach that circumvents snapper, I have the impression, but anyway, it seems to do the job. BTW: for me the second file was /etc/conf.d/snapper.
    – equaeghe
    Commented Jun 10, 2020 at 9:44
  • Indeed. I'd also prefer something more clean but it is the only way I found to be working. Maybe you should check that there is nothing left in the .snapshots folder.
    – Ben
    Commented Jun 10, 2020 at 14:37

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