Suppose I have a seamless looping 4-second 24 fps video (starting at frame 0 and ending at frame 95). Suppose I want to offset it in time so that it starts at frame 20, reaches frame 95 at frame 75, then wraps around to frame 0 (at frame 76) and ends at frame 19. Essentially, I'm just wanting to adjust the starting point of the loop of the video, but I still want it to have the same duration and play back at the same speed. How would I do this with ffmpeg?

1 Answer 1


Use the trim and concat filters.

ffmpeg -i in -vf "split=2[a][b];[a]trim=start_frame=20,setpts=N/FR/TB[a];[b]trim=end_frame=20,setpts=N/FR/TB[b];[a][b]concat" out


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