Is there a way to remap the keys on a Macbook running macOS 10.15.3, having the right alt key behaving as the left alt key? Apparently there is a difference, because I'm running into the issue where the option (⌥ / alt) keys are not recognised after pressing right-hand option (⌥ / alt) key in NetBeans 11.2.

As I'm disabled, it makes it really hard for me to use the left alt key in combination with the arrow keys, which makes it hard to extend selections with words in NetBeans (and that's something I use a lot). So I hope there is a solution for this other than waiting for the NetBeans developers to fix this.

  • 1
    This might be possible with something like Karabiner - Left alt is 0x80120 & Right alt is 0x80140, so the two are in fact registered differently to the OS itself, even if nominally it treats them the same. I've never used Karabiner myself, so can't really help with the details.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Feb 14, 2020 at 16:18
  • 1
    I was just checking out that tool, and it's working as a charm. It needed a reboot and some permissions though. Commented Feb 14, 2020 at 16:28
  • 1
    Glad it helped. If you want to set up your own answer, go ahead, as you'll have better detail than my vague hint.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Feb 14, 2020 at 16:32

1 Answer 1


Mapping keys is possible using Karabiner-Elements.

Make sure to reboot after installing. When starting the tool it will prompt you to set privacy permissions. Do so in the settings:

Now it just a matter of setting the mapping:

See also https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org/docs/getting-started/installation/

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