Im new to this community but hopefully someone can help/advise me about this situation.

I have a Toshiba dtc810 external hard drive:

Bought it new 3 years ago. The problem is that suddenly the computer does not recognizes it, and the light indicator is not turning on anymore. Doesn't make any sound or something similar.

A year ago I accidentally dropped and hit into the floor but nothing happened then.

I removed the case and saw this particular HDD does not have any SATA/ATA interface, the chip with USB 3 port is pasted to the hard drive itself so there's no way to connect or test the HDD.

Do you guys can think in any option?

Thanks in advance

  • It's not worth the hassle - just bin the drive and restore from backup. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 3:19
  • Have you tested with a Micro-USB cable or another USB3 cable? You can connect any micro-usb cable to the left hole in the connector on this hard drive.
    – Natsu Kage
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 4:42

2 Answers 2


Since you've already opened it, look for loose connections, particularly near the USB connector. Often, the connector breaks loose from a PCB trace due to strain when inserting a connector. It might be possible to carefully solder it back, and there's an instructive article on this type of fiddly work, and a similar video.

Another option is to use window-defroster repair conductive paint to bridge a gap between connector and PCB trace. This would be a short-term fix, if it works at all, but it might let you salvage data.


Considering the crash history of the hard drive I would use a professional recovery service when you need the data.

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