I'm using the latest release of Edge (the Chromium-based one); I configured Google as my home page and as my search engine, but I'm still stuck with Bing search when opening a new tab.

Is there any way to use Google search in a new tab, too?


4 Answers 4


Sorry, but just as Chrome forces the Google homepage on a new tab, Edge forces the Copilot on a new tab.

Just use the address bar for your searches, and you'll always have Google.

To completely remove the Copilot, you'll need to use an extension, such as "New Tab Changer" or "Blank new page"

Workarounds without Extensions:

  • add google.com to your favorites bar, and use Ctrl+Shift+Left Click to open a new tab
  • Hit Ctrl+t for a new tab, then click on the Home button to go to Google.
  • Unfortunately, it looks like there is no workaround (and I can of course see why Microsoft wouldn't give us one). Answer accepted.
    – Massimo
    Commented Mar 8 at 8:30

By default, it looks like MS only allows to only change the ones you mentioned in the Edge settings:


But, there are extensions that allows you to change the new tab page search engine.


Chrometana can redirect every bing search to other preffered search engine. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrometana-redirect-bing/kaicbfmipfpfpjmlbpejaoaflfdnabnc


There are extensions that can do that (if Microsoft hasn't blocked them too):


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