I upgraded my GFX from GeForce GTX 560 to GTX 770. The system booted fine, drivers were installed, but after a while it rebooted. Just before the reboot, I also noticed my second (mechanical) HDD was no longer being recognized.

This looks to me like I don't have enough power, so I dug into the specs:

  • According to EVGA, I need 600W PSU with 42A on the +12V rail.
  • According to Chieftec, I have 4*18=72A on the +12V rail.

What seems to be the problem given the above? My guess is the PSU is broken and doesn't output enough power.

1 Answer 1


You likely do have a power issue and will likely need a larger PSU:

Ohm's Law: V * A = W

  • Voltage x Amperage = Wattage

  • EVGA states a minimum of 42A on the 12V rail (504W) must be available
  • Cheiftec PSU is a 650W max PSU, leaving only 146W for the MB and all components
    • Cheiftec displays the maximum current that can be on any of it's power circuits at one time, not that that current is available across all circuits all the time.
    • Total output power cannot exceed 650W across all circuits:
      • 1x 3.3V Max (30A): 99W
      • 1x 5V Max (28A): 140W
      • 4x 12V Max (18A/per): 216W/per
      • 1x -12V Current (800mA): 9.6W
      • 1x 5V Standby (3A): 15W
  • 1
    After replacing the PSU the reboots are no more. Thanks for your helpful answer, from now on in addition to pure specs I'm going to take power balance into account. Commented Jan 19, 2020 at 14:50

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