Have an installation with dual boot basically as described in the following question: Veracrypt full disk encryption multi-boot Windows 10 and two Linux Distro on same SSD with some shared folders?

For Windows I am using Veracrypt and for Linux native home folder encryption. Since some updates I am having the following problem: The Veracrypt boot loader is always moved in front of the grub boot loader as soon as I started into Windows. But I want Grub to be the first boot loader.

So everytime I boot and want to start Linux I have to go into the BIOS, move the Ubuntu Boot Loader (grub) in front of the Veracrypt boot loader and restart afterwards. Within Grub I can change between all my currently installed boot loaders also Veracrypt therefore I want this to be my primary boot loader always.

How can I make my system to keep the order of boot loaders as long as this is not explicitly changed in BIOS (some recommend EasyUEFI by Haeslo but this is not a free tool and I do not think that I need commercial software just for this easy task)?

  • What updates are you talking about?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 29, 2019 at 8:30
  • @Ramhound Updated Windows 10 from older builds and Veracrypt from version 1.21 to 1.24.hotfix1. But this should not necessarily be relevant to answer the question.
    – Blackbam
    Commented Nov 29, 2019 at 10:18
  • It certainly does not matter otherwise I would not have asked for the information
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 29, 2019 at 17:46

1 Answer 1


Within the Veracrypt forums I got some help regarding this issue:

This is a new change that was added in 1.24-Hotfix1 to solve issues on some machines where the BIOS would remove our entry in boot menu and/or remove VeraCrypt bootloader from disk. Now, before every shutdown or reboot, we ensure that VeraCrypt boot configuration is preserved and that we are set as first

But we have added a registry key that allows disabling this mechanism: using Windows RegEdit, browse to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VeraCryptSystemFavorites\, you will find a REG_DWORD value named "VeraCryptSystemFavoritesConfig" (create it if it is not there), double click on it, set its value to 1 and click OK. After that, VeraCrypt will not check or fix any change in the boot configuration or bootloader files content before every shutdown or reboot.

Source: https://sourceforge.net/p/veracrypt/discussion/general/thread/8b880c2b26/#1060

Note: This problem will be fixed within the next release of Veracrypt. Dual-Boot setups are not altered than anymore.

  • I'm on a dual-boot setup in VeraCrypt 1.24u6, & this has not been fixed. It still broke my setup, which I reported on Github 25 days ago (but was ignored) before I finally started reading through their commit logs myself, found the registry key, which is what led me here. Github report: github.com/veracrypt/VeraCrypt/issues/612 .
    – J23
    Commented May 13, 2020 at 22:46

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