I don't want to have two versions of git on my machine that might interfere with one another. I heard the best way to install git is via homebrew. However, my mac OS comes with git pre-installed (looks like an older version though) - what do you guys recommend? don't want to pollute my system or get confused later on.

1 Answer 1


macOS does come with git preinstalled at /usr/bin/git (Check with /usr/bin/git --version to see that this is the by Apple provided version).

You can install another version of git with homebrew at /usr/local/bin and if you add the /usr/local/bin folder to the PATH string before /usr/bin then it will use the homebrew variant (Which is probably the more recent version). This way no confusion should arise for you I hope.

I would be careful and not delete the Apple provided git version, see also the following thread in Apple SE.

  • 1
    Thanks Arjan, yes. I corrected for this issue.
    – stephanmg
    Commented Oct 4, 2019 at 12:32

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