I've got a nextcloud installation on Rasbpian which was working well over HTTP (port 80). I could access it with both WAN IP and domain name (tunneled through openVPN on a VPS as I don't have a static IP for my nextcloud server and am sitting behind a CGNAT).

I enabled HTTPS with nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt and followed the steps. Along the way I got

object '/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libarmmem-${PLATFORM}.so' from /etc/ld.so.preload cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

which didn't seem to be a problem as the final result was


However, now, when I...

...browse to nextcloud using https from another machine via WAN IP address I get the usual certificae warning as the certificate is issued to the domain name,not the ip. ==> So that's OK.

...browse to nextcloud using https from another machine via domain name, I get an Access through untrusted domain error. ==> Not OK

...browse to nextcloud using https from another machine via LAN IP, I also get that error. ==> Not OK

...browse to nextcloud using https from the nextcloud server via https://localhost, I only get the certificate warning but can ignore it and then get access to nextcloud. ==> OK.

I tried adding https:// and/or :443 to the entries in the trusted domain array in nextcloud's config.php but nothing changes.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot? Thanks.


1 Answer 1


Found the answer. I had two directories in my /var/snap/nextcloud/ directory: 15763 and 15578. I changed the wrong config.php.

I have no idea though how I got two directories and what that number is all about...

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