I am having windows 10 Host and virtual box 6.0.1 latest. problem:

scenario 1:

I configured virtualbox bridged network adapter and i installed 3 Ubuntu 18.04.1(dhcp enabled) all VMs are getting same IP address and not able to ping goole.com(or any website) No Internet

scenario 2:

I set static IP address all the VMs are able to ping each other and even i am able to ssh using putty on host machine. but NO Internet

Ping command's O/P:

@localhost:~$ ping google.com PING google.com(bom07s18-in-x0e.1e100.net (2404:6800:4009:80c::200e)) 56 data bytes ^C --- google.com ping statistics --- 24 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 23522ms

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


First create host network manager adapter and then enable the two Network Adapter settings in Guest Machine (Adapter 1 - NAT & Adapter 2 - Host only Adapter).

You cannot update the network settings when the guest is running, kindly shutdown and do the changes.


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