I have a WordPress site that I am hosting on DreamHost and when I visit the site in Chrome it displays a "Deceptive Site Ahead" message. The website is bicyclefilmfestival.com. I tried disabling plugins as other answers have suggested, but that didn't fix the error message.

I confirmed that I have SSL properly set up using this site https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.bicyclefilmfestival.com. I am using the Really Simple SSL plugin for SSL certification. I confirmed that I don't have Mixed Content and that I am forcing HTTPS redirects.

I sent a request for review to Google, so it's possible that they just need to address the error on their end, but I wanted to see if you all had any suggestions. Thanks in advance!

  • Your site works alright. No deception alert here. Congratulations!
    – 174140
    Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 23:47

2 Answers 2


"Deceptive Site Ahead" is a warning that malware has been detected on your site. It has nothing to do with SSL.

Contact your web host's support department to look into the issue.


The Google Transparency Report site reports that there is an issue with some CSS on your website:


Just because SSL is working correctly, doesn't mean that it is serving safe content. You should investigate the flagged theme to see why Google believe it to be deceptive.

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