I don't have the album art for most of my music, and I don't have time to go find and download images for all of my album. Any suggestions?

  • Don't use album art? Personally, I never look at it anyway, and it saves some space on your mp3 player (sure, not much, but over 20,000 songs it adds up.
    – Sean
    Commented Jul 28, 2009 at 18:50
  • Well that is a good idea for the mp3 player, but I'm more interested in having it for my Media Center.
    – Chris B
    Commented Jul 28, 2009 at 18:56
  • 1
    @Sean, you don't have to embed album art into your music files to use album art. I just put an image in the album's directory. Commented Aug 5, 2009 at 21:28

8 Answers 8


I don't know if it's the easiest way, but I use Media Monkey. It goes to Amazon (you choose which nationality) and auto-tags what it finds. Just click on the album and hit Ctrl+L.

My Classical music is the most problematic, but I find amazon.ca pretty good track listings.


Try Tag & Rename. It has built-in Amazon lookup that will download cover art and save it to folder.jpg or directly in the music files as part of the ID3V2 tag.


I use mp3tag for Windows XP. It links to Amazon and Discogs for the album art.


I use Album Art Downloader. It's open source and written in .Net 3.5. To use it you simply point it at a directory and it will search for cover art for all albums within from a variety of sources.

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I would checkout Songbird, with the add-on of Album Art Manager.

Songbird is an Open Source project, and has feature rich media control and organization.


Use Amarok, this functionality is built in. :)

(If you are using Windows)


I use TuneUp. It's paid for, but it can get album art and fix all the metadata for your library, super-simple.


I use TagScanner, it does all the job, from find the artwork and update de ID3 stuff to renaming the files.

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