let me explain my situation in detail.

I have a modem that connects to the internet with LAN IP: The modem further connects to a wifi and wired router-1 which is assigned a dynamic IP by the Modem. The router further has its LAN IP: and all the clients connect to it with IP: 192.168.0.x. It has DHCP enabled from All mobiles, laptops use these. This router-1 is also connected to a station PC with IP:

Next, this router-1 has a LAN cable running around 50 meters where it connects to a router-2 WAN port which has the same SSID as of router-1 but different channel. Router-2 further has its WAN IP:, whereas LAN IP: So when i take my laptop from the wifi range of router-1 to router-2, it easily switches between channels and everything is fine.

The problem is: when my lappy is using the network of router-2, it gets an IP: 192.168.2.x through DHCP, However, at that point of time, it cant access the files in client station PC with IP: How do i solve this.

PS: All the routers are of TP-Link

1 Answer 1


Probably the easiest way to accomplish your goal. Would be to assign the following netmask to both your DHCP pools: ( /22 in CIDR notation ). Tho you should be advised that the gateways (and hence reserved IPs) will initially change. But in the end it should all work for you.

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