I'm trying to install FontTools. I installed it with pip.

pip install fonttools

When I try to reinstall it, I have this message so it looks like it's already installed.

Requirement already satisfied: fonttools in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (3.42.0)

But each time I try to run fonttools or pyftsubset, I get this message error

-bash: fonttools: command not found

Searching the solution, I found it could be related to $PATH. I tried adding the /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages in $PATH but with no result.

1 Answer 1


Found the solution in this GitHub issue. I uninstalled fonttools and reinstalled it using this command

python -m pip install --user fonttools

And I added this in my .bash_profile file

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/USERNAME/Library/Python/2.7/bin

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