I have set the PuTTY terminal screen dimensions in my session under PuTTY configuration - Window:

Columns 150 and Rows:35

Also, for the configuration: "When window is resized:" is set to: "change the number of rows and columns"

So everything is fine with the terminal, I can make it full screen and back to window, no problem.

But when I enter into byobu, the width instantly shrinks to a smaller size!

I think, byobu is enforcing PuTTY terminal to a new size.

Because if I set the PuTTY configuration "When window is resized:" is set to: "forbid resizing completely" it is ok, byobu does not change. The downside is that I can not go to fullscreen that case.

Is there a way to set the byobu width just like PuTTY and make it permanent?

Byoubu Version: screen 4.03.01 (GNU) 28-Jun-1 Ubuntu Version: 16.04 PuTTY Version: 0.70 in Windows 10 Pro.

1 Answer 1


Here is the solution I found while checking the options for something else.

Go to the PuTTY settings and apply these below and your terminal window will not resize:

        Window - When window is resized: Change the number of rows and columns.
        Terminal - Features - CHECK: Disable remote-controlled terminal resizing

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