I am attempting to use Sourcetree Custom Actions to run a shell script:

SourceTree Custom Actions

When I press the hotkey, I instead get the error:

Couldn't posix_spawn: error 8
Completed with errors, see above

Why is Sourcetree not running the script?

3 Answers 3


I had to add the following to the beginning of the .sh:

cd $1

Then in the Sourcetree Custom Action Parameters, add this parameter:


This way the .sh script will receive $REPO (the repo path) as the $1 parameter, and cd will go to this dir before running commands.

Here's another example showing how to do it: https://gist.github.com/mike3k/6125852


This is fixed by adding an interpreter to the first line of your script:


It appears that Sourcetree is not setting a default interpreter for the NSTask they are using to launch the script:



For me it was changing the interpreter to zsh like so:


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