I noticed something peculiar while working with multiple tmux sessions. I'm not certain on all the terminology so please correct me if I get something wrong.

Creating tmux sessions beyond the first does not inherit the environment it was created from, they inherit the environment that spawned the first session.

export a=false; export b=false

export a=true
tmux new-session -d -s first

export b=true
tmux new-session -d -s second

then executing echo $a $b from either session gives the output true false. I was expecting true true for the second session.

I don't know how tmux "remembers" the environment of the first session. I can perform another experiment:

If I update the environment in the first session, detach, and spawn a second session, the second session does not inherit the update.

And another experiment:

If I exit the subshell after creating the first session (thus "forgetting" the environment variable a), and spawn a second session, the second session still remembers the environment.

I'd like to better know why this is happening and some of what tmux is doing under-the-hood, so any advice in that direction is appreciated.

  • This had no impact for me. On my system bash starts an interactive session by default and will source .profile if passed with -l
    – roro
    Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 1:20
  • I just faced the same problem and it's a complete non-sense... I moved to tmux from screen thinking it'd be better, but it's worse.
    – None
    Commented Jan 23, 2022 at 10:20

1 Answer 1


There is a section named ENVIRONMENT in man 1 tmux:

When the server is started, tmux copies the environment into the global environment; in addition, each session has a session environment. When a window is created, the session and global environments are merged. If a variable exists in both, the value from the session environment is used. The result is the initial environment passed to the new process.

The update-environment session option may be used to update the session environment from the client when a new session is created or an old reattached. […]

Commands to alter and view the environment are:

set-environment […]

show-environment […]

And where the manual explains set-option, it reads:

update-environment variables

Set a space-separated string containing a list of environment variables to be copied into the session environment when a new session is created or an existing session is attached.


So your a and b are copied to tmux only when the server starts. In your case it's when you create the first session. These variables are not on the list stored by update-environment option, so later they are not updated.

If you did

tmux set-option -t second update-environment "a b"

and then attached to this session, your current variables would be absorbed by tmux. This doesn't mean echo $a $b would show them in the shell that had already been started (by tmux new-session -d -s first). But a new shell (or any other process) in a new pane would inherit them from tmux.

It's possible to set the option globally. See the OPTIONS section. But keep these things in mind:

  • the option is designed to work when a new session is created or an old reattached (although you can change the behavior with -E option of attach-session; few other commands also support -E);
  • the updated value won't affect existing processes (panes).

To summarize: in general tmux sessions and processes within don't simply inherit the environment from the client like a simple child process would do.

  • what a BS behavior and design decision... I expected it to take all my env vars so that I don't need to list them all...
    – None
    Commented Jan 23, 2022 at 10:22

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