The issue: My router will not issue me a DHCP IP to connect via the ethernet adapter

Devices involved, in order of connection:

  • My PC (ethernet adapter on Asrock AB350 Pro4 motherboard)
  • A powerline network extender (Netgear PLW1000)
  • Frontier router (Arris NVG468MQ)

Previous configuration: I had assigned a static IP to my PC before I reinstalled Windows.

Attempts to solve the problem:

  • Making sure IPv6 was disabled in the NIC's settings
  • Making sure that Windows was configured to receive a DHCP address
  • TCP/IP stack reset in Windows
  • Manually assigning an IP in the router
  • Spoofing my NIC's MAC address
  • NIC driver reinstallation
  • Complete reinstall of Windows
  • Complete factory reset of both powerline and router

The ethernet adapter has no connection-specific DNS suffic, no default gateway, and has been assigned an APIPA address. I don't know what to do at this point. I have seemingly exhausted the solutions that often work for people, and anything I find on the internet I've already tried. Please help me figure out why this is happening.


  • Does DHCP work for other machines on the same LAN? Commented Feb 15, 2019 at 3:42
  • Yes. I saw a suggestion to install the NIC driver from the motherboard manufacturer, and that ended up working. Thanks! Commented Feb 15, 2019 at 3:47

1 Answer 1


I ended up installing the NIC driver from the Asrock's website, this fixed my issue.

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