I was using DBeaver and all of the sudden, I could no longer access my previous PostgreSQL databases or create new ones. I got the error 'FATAL: database "postgres" does not exist' when trying to open one. enter image description here I am running Windows 10, the latest version of DBeaver, and Postgres 10.6-1. I am very new to all this, all help is appreciated! :)

2 Answers 2


In Database Navigator > Right click on PostgreSQL > Edit Connection

In Connection settings > general tab, enter your host (e.g. localhost), database (e.g. postgres) and leave User blank. Check Show all databases.

Right click on PostgreSQL and refresh. You should get a green checkmark in the PostgreSQL icon.

That's how I fixed mine, hopefully it'll work for you too.


Like Joseph, I had to leave the localhost but I had to clear all the fields, tick Show Databases:

enter image description here

Then refreshing on the databases I got prompted for the Username and Password (must have been an old version in cache):

enter image description here

This works, and you'll see there's potentially more than one schema:

enter image description here

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