Lets say I have a number 2,65,563.56 in a particular cell. I want excel to automatically change it to 2,65,563.00. I could simply format the cell to display the integer part of the number only making the decimal part disappear but I want the decimal part to show as .00

Please note, I don't want excel to round off the number as it might alter the integer part of my number. Hence I would like excel to simply replace the non-zero decimal value (.56) with a zero decimal value (.00).

Thank you.

2 Answers 2


I believe FLOOR is the way, and you can specify the significance:

=FLOOR(value, 1)

There are several ways to do this. Aside from floor there is also:







NOTE: the math operation at the end and the leading -- turns the text back into a number.  

If you do not need the value as a number useable in formulas you could also do:


enter image description here

Note: With the exception of the text option, you will have to adjust the format of the cells to display 2 decimal accuracy as under general cell format, leading and trailing zeros do not display. With the text option you may need to adjust cell justification to suit your needs.

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