I would like to know if there is a way for me to limit a Standard Windows 10 Pro local user account to a specific set of rules.

Since I have Windows 10 Pro I can use RDS to remote access my PC.

It is also possible to create additional Standard (Not Administrator of course) user accounts in case I wish them to exist for different reasons/tasks.

I wish to make user1's experience limited by the following set of rules:

Shortcut in desktop to a specific internal website is allowed. Nothing else is displayed in desktop. Start menu only displays LOG OFF only.

Is there a local user account editor that allows for this type of specific editing?


1 Answer 1


Local group policy editor would effect the computer. If your trying to force certain restrictions on to certain users, I would recommend using the Microsoft Management Console it's included with Windows Pro. These actions can be done locally without a domain connected. Hopefully this helps you with your problem.

  • Ok. I have added Local Users & Groups (Local) Snap-In. Then I noticed that there is not a single useful example to learn from in there. I Would like to customize a user account the way it appears they let you customize a local computer.
    – suchislife
    Commented Feb 6, 2019 at 13:35

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