I am really curios how a user is supposed to find the latest version of the VMWare tools when entering the http://my.vmware.com/ website. Actually, I only find it externally when I google it. But what is the workflow, or flow of clicks a user is expected to follow when he wants to find it directly on the website? I cannot find it in the "VMWare Workstation ->Drivers and tools section", nor anywhere else on the website.

To be honest, I have never ever seen a product website which is so confusing to browse and to get information from than the VMware website, and I feel really sorry to say that.

Can anybody please give me a hint how a user can easily, reproducably always find the latest version of VMWare tools on the vmware webiste? Which steps are required? I simply cannot figure out myself.

Google of course directs me to https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/details?productId=742&downloadGroup=VMTOOLS1035 - I am looking for a way to find it without google, simply using what VMWare provides...

When I search VMWare Tools, I get the following results, which is not helpful: VMWare Tools Search

  • 3
    There usually shouldn't be a reason to download VMware Tools manually for VMware Workstation. The Tools are tied to the Workstation version; if you downloaded the full Workstation installer, it will come with the Tools. If you downloaded a lite installer, it will download the corresponding Tools version on demand.
    – jamesdlin
    Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 16:18

1 Answer 1


Can anybody please give me a hint how a user can easily, reproducibly always find the latest version of VMWare tools on the VMware website?

I was able to find the VMWare Tools without a problem by simply searching for it.

enter image description here

I cannot find it in the "VMWare Workstation ->Drivers and tools section", nor anywhere else on the website.

You cannot find it linked to VMWare Workstation because it is linked to VMWare vSphere.

Which steps are required?

There are no steps. It only took a minute to determine that VMWare Tools was linked to VMWare vSphere.

enter image description here

enter image description here

You can also search for a specific version of VMWare Tools.

enter image description here


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