I'm trying to have a dual boot Debian / Mac OS X on my Macbook Pro.

I boot on the Debian install CD, the first steps are fine until "Detect and mount CD-ROM". It seems that the installer cannot find the cdrom device.

I ls-ed /dev and there is no "cdrom" in it.

Does anyone know about this problem ?

  • i'm not sure the MBP will be any different, but /dev/cdrom is generally a symlink to the actual device. try looking for /dev/hdX (IDE/ATA devices) or /dev/srX (SCSI/SATA devices) ... can you boot a LiveCD by any chance? any LiveCD, eg Ubuntu? Commented May 6, 2010 at 9:45

1 Answer 1


If the Debian install CD is giving you too much trouble, but you can boot to a Linux LiveCD (almost any will do), consider installing Debian from Linux.

This is a very hands-on procedure, but if you're familiar with Linux already, it works well. The link will give you all the details, but the procedural overview is:

  1. Boot to a LiveCD (or a LiveUSB or any other Linux system);
  2. Create partition(s), format filesystem(s);
  3. Install & run debootstrap to install the base Debian system;
  4. chroot into the new system (see the SU chroot tutorial);
  5. Configure the system (kernel, Apt, bootloader, ... told ya it's hands-on);
  6. Install any other necessary packages.

Then reboot, repair anything that didn't get setup quite right, and install and configure additional packages as needed.

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