I'm looking for a way to search for a specific string e.g. '@' and delete everything before and after that string. I would prefer a way/macro/addon for Notepad++ but anything would be helpful.

Here is the line now (Note that the numbers are always different per line so you couldn't do a search and replace with them):

Follow Follow @BararRohit User actions Rohit Barar @BararRohit

I want to be able to remove everything in the following line except one portion so that the end result looks like this:


  • Welcome to to SuperUser. I advise editing the question in the following ways : Use better title with capitalization like "Remove Starting Characters on a line". Make it easy for the eye to see before / after. Perhaps capitalize BEFORE and AFTER , and put the line starting "Note" in your first paragraph. Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 20:10
  • Regex is a good tool for this, which is available in the NotePad++ Search/Replace box after you've learned how to use it. I suggest visiting some training sites like regexr.com or regexone.com . If your source text comes from Mac or Linux, beware of the different line endings. Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 23:42

1 Answer 1


This is working for your example but you could edit your question to show other examples.

  • Ctrl+H
  • Find what: .*(@\w+).*
  • Replace with: $1
  • check Wrap around
  • check Regular expression
  • CHECK . matches newline
  • Replace all


.*          # 0 or more any character
(           # start group 1
    @       # literally @
    \w+     # 1 or more word character (i.e. [a-zA-Z0-9_])
)           # end group 1
.*          # 0 or more any character


$1  # content of group 1

Result for given example:


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