I know that there are many great video players for Linux but I need MPC-HC for the specific reason that I can hide the seek bar by pressing Ctrl+1.

Could MPC-HC be compiled and used under Debian Linux?

Also if there is a player under Linux that can allow the seek bar the be hidden used a shortcut, I am open to use it.

  • As opposed to using a player that doesn't even show the seek bar? Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 14:32
  • No, I need the option to hide it, btw is there such a player, please point me to one.
    – Joe
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 14:40
  • Have you tried loading MPC under Wine?
    – AFH
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 17:18

1 Answer 1


I need MPC-HC for the specific reason that I can hide the seek bar by pressing Ctrl+1.

It sounds like you need a player which can hide its seek bar by pressing Ctrl+1. That, on its own, is not a reason to need MPC-HC specifically.

  • In gnome-mplayer, the seek bar can be displayed or hidden using c but you can change this to Ctrl+1 via gnome-mplayer's settings window.

  • In mpv, the seek bar is always floating and only visible when you move the mouse. You can bind Ctrl+1 to the seek bar's visibility via input.conf:

    Ctrl+1 script-message osc-visibility never
    Ctrl+2 script-message osc-visibility always
  • In VLC, you can toggle the seek bar by pressing Ctrl+H (in windowed mode) or i (fullscreen).

  • In gnome-mpv, you can toggle the seek bar by pressing Ctrl+H. You can also switch the bar to 'floating' mode, which does not occupy permanent space and disappears when unused.

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