I'm running VMware Workstation 6.54 on a Windows 7 host (64-bit). Whenever the host loses network connectivity the VMs never get their connection back until I reboot the machine (which I have to do right after I finish writing this). I've tried restarting the "relevant" services (like VMware Nat Service) but only a hard reboot works for me. Does this issue sound familiar?


4 Answers 4


I've had some network "goofyness" with VMware Workstation 7 on Win7x64 but haven't ever had to resort to a reboot.

At the bottom right of the client window are those little status icons. I just right-click on the network icon and select "disconnect." I wait a couple seconds and reconnect it and that seems to get the client back on track.

See if that works for you?

  • I'll try this when the situation happens again...
    – rasx
    Commented Apr 23, 2010 at 1:12
  • It works for me.
    – rasx
    Commented Apr 26, 2010 at 3:35

Been using Workstation since version 5 and never had such a problem. Recently my host PC's network cable had a problem and the connection was breaking several times a day but I never had even to refresh the guests' connections. You should look somewhere else for the source.

Some points :

Does your guests have the vmware tools installed ?

Did you update your host's network drivers (or did you update them recently causing the problem) ?

Did you play with the network service settings of Vmware Workstation ?


If your question is if this sounds familiar, I have an answer: yes it does. I had to reboot about a dozen times per day. In my case it turned out to be a Citrix client installed on the host. Once I got rid of that, my VM never lost its connection again.


reconnecting the network in each guest didn't work for me. I found a solution on the vmware community site about needing to restart the vmnetbridge service.


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