I tried to log in to my machine as regular user with my password. After several attempts, I tried to log in as root with the root password. Tried using both GUI shell and tty. Everything fails.

I looked this up and found that people had these problems because of full disk space for root partition. I know that my root (I have separate root and home partitions) was full because during my last session, NetBeans complained. I also tried rm -rf * in /tmp thinking it had a lot of junk which may be another reason. However, I can't log in as anything now. So, I have no way to try any solution offered.

If nothing else works, I may try using a live disk to change partition size. Don't know if that will allow me to log in. However, is there any better solution?

  • When greeted by GRUB at boot, activate its edit more and add init=/bin/bash to the kernel's command line, then boot—instead of whatever init superserver is configured in the system, plain bash shell will be started—without any asking for password. You may then work from there to check what's with your disk space and/or may be change passwords (passwd) etc.
    – kostix
    Commented Jun 9, 2018 at 19:15

1 Answer 1


You may use a live disk to boot and mount your current root filesystem, and then carefully delete some files in the mounted filesystem.

If /dev/sda1 is your root filesystem, the commands would be

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
cd /mnt

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