As I find it rather cumbersome to run Event Viewer and filter out the latest Chkdsk log, may I poke a question:

How to read the latest Chkdsk event viewer log in PowerShell (on Windows 10)?

My humble requirements for the solution:

  • It has to be done in PowerShell (not ISE, normal PowerShell terminal).

  • It has to be done without Administrator privileges (to save some mouse clicks).

Important notes:

  • I mean the Chkdsk scheduled at boot for the system drive, usually C:.

  • Apart from the log, it should output the date and time, if possible.

1 Answer 1


I managed to find a solution, which does not look pretty, but you can always create an alias function for it:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"} | ?{$_.providername –match "wininit"} | Format-List TimeCreated, Message

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