I would like to change search engine based on search term nature.

So for term “new shoes” I would like to use Bing and for “WW2” I would like to use Wikipedia.

How can this be achieved in Google Chrome like it can be simply done in Firefox for instance.

1 Answer 1


You can do it from search bar. You just need to know keywords assigned to search engine you need. To know the keyword, right click on search bar and select Edit Search Engines... from menu. Look for the keyword columns of available search engines.

enter image description here

Now, if you need to change search engine on the fly, just type keyword and press TAB key. You will see the change in search engine. Now, you can type your search string.

For example, in my case I types bing and pressed TAB key.

enter image description here

Update: Based on comments, i came up with one beautiful solution :D Here are steps:

  1. Install AutoHotKey (This is free).
  2. Create following script. In my case this script is for bing. More such scripts can be added.

enter image description here

  1. Save the script with .ahk extension. Double click on it to run it with AutoHotKey
  2. Open Chrome browser, click on search bar and press CTRL + ALT + B. This will send BING + TAB key to chrome and search engine will change to bing.

In AutoHotKey ^ is CTRL, ! is ALT. So, ^!b means when you press CTRL + ALT + B key combination, AutoHotKey will send keys BING + TAB to chrome or any window in focus. Here bing is keyword of search engine.

  • That’s weird ugly solution but works good.
    – Yarl
    Commented May 31, 2018 at 15:18

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