I received a request to add the following record to the hosts file on all PC's in my company:

ExternalHostname.hosting.local   172.123.456.789

The ExternalHostname is a SAP server located in a rented Datacenter, and our company connects to the servers by using a VPN connection.

It seems to me that it is better to add an A Record in the Forward Lookup Zone on my local DNS server (Windows Server 2012).

However, when I do this, it creates the following record within to following folders

SRV2012AD > Forward Lookup Zone > local > hosting > ExternalHostname(record)

the FQDN becomes:


The forwarding is important because is being used in custom based webapplication. Everything works when I change the hostname to ip, but that will not be possible in Production.

Does anyone know if there is a solid and maintainable solution for this?

Would be super awesome!


  • I'd just name it ExternalHostname.CompanyDomain.local then. Is that not acceptable for some reason? I.e. certificate mismatch? Commented May 25, 2018 at 10:59

1 Answer 1


Create a new forward lookup zone in DNS with the name ExternalHostname.hosting.local.

Create a new A record in that zone with a blank name and an IP of 172.123.456.789.



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