I installed windows 10 32-bit 1803 maintenance on an ASUS EB1033. The machine boots fine in safe mode. When I try to boot in normal mode the windows icon shows, the circle of dots spin for about 30 seconds and then the screen goes blank and nothing else happens. I have downloaded the Windows 10 ISO from microsoft and loaded and booted the ISO from an SD-Card. The boot starts ok but none of the recovery options work. So, for example, if I select "restore from recovery point" the response shown is "Option not supported on this operating system". This "not supported" response occurs for all the repair options offered when I boot the ISO. Are there any options to recover the "full" windows since safe boor works but I can't do anything useful with the machine? The Windows menu cannot be displayed in Safe mode when I press the windows keyboard key or click the start button on the screen. I have run "sfc / scannow" in safe mode but that doesn't get the normal boot to work.


1 Answer 1


When in safe mode, use msconfig to disable all non-Microsoft services (click Services, check Hide all Microsoft service, and click Disable all), and the Startup tab in Task Manager to disable startup applications.

With any luck, this will let you boot in normal mode, at which point you can selectively re-enable services and startup items in order to isolate the problem.

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