Ever since updating to 1709 (also known as the Fall Creators Update), Windows doesn't show my selected lock screen background when I start up my computer. It shows the default image. But when I go to look at the setting, the image I want is still selected.

The background I select displays properly when I lock the computer, just not when I restart. How do I fix this?

Note that the setting itself it still correct after restarting, and pressing Win+L to show the lock screen shows the correct background.

  • No, I don't. I knew how to fix it in 1703 and prior but that fix doesn't work anymore. My original comment intended to be a warning to the answering person: What worked before may (or may not) work now.
    – user477799
    Commented May 15, 2018 at 13:41

2 Answers 2


This solution works for Windows 10 Enterprise.

Go to the following Registry entry (or add it):


Add a new String key with the name LockScreenImage and the value of the complete file path of the image.

Alternatively, you can edit the group policy:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization > Force a specific default lock screen image

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization > Force a specific default lock screen image

I found this solution here.

I'm not sure if this works on non-Enterprise installations, or if non-Enterprise installations even have this issue in the first place. Let me know if this doesn't work for you.


I can help you with this, I had that issue before. it is not about settings. There is a folder about this

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemData it is a system folder, first you need to accsess, change the owner and open with admin rights

there are 2 folders in it

S-1-5-18 S-1-5-21-1819520571-1186344035-200566658-1001 <--- this folder will fix your issue


there is folders named as LockScreen_B, LockScreen_* etc..

now all you have to do find your own lock screen image folder and windows default (your cave lock screen) folder

Different Lock Screen Picture When Turning On The Computer-sc.png

for me it was LockScreen_B and LockScreen_W i erased the files in LockScreen_W, and copied files from LockScreen_B to LockScreen_W folder after that reboot, win+L, etc... all the time i see my lockscreen picture

if you i hope you can fix your issue with this, it is really annoying to see pictures that you dont want.

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